OFG's Hypermag is a multi-vector gradiometer which deploys multiple magnetometers in scalable arrays to acquire compensated magnetic data in real-time.
Data is collected with a unit sensitivity of 8pTrms/√Hz. An evolution of OFG’s Self-Compensating Magnetometer (SCM), the Hypermag applies the SCM algorithms to compensate and remove the magnetic effects of the subsea vehicle in real-time and is offered in a variety of configurations which are synchronized across multiple sensors. The system is available in 1000m or 6000m depth-rated versions for tight integration into your subsea platform, avoiding the operational and navigation problems associated with multi-body and soft line tows behind the subsea vehicle. Improved sensitivity and discrimination of magnetic signatures is made possible by combining multiple 3-vector sensors to measure total field, gradients and magnetic vectors in multiple geometries.

Applications for cable, pipeline & UXO

High sensitivity vector, total Field & magnetic gradiometry

Proprietary real-time compensation

Tight integration with subsea platforms
Sensor geometry can be optimized for your needs with vertical, horizontal and inline gradients. Sensors can be rigidly attached to your platform, improving positional accuracy and eliminating the risks of multi-body soft tows.
Individual sensing units can be combined into synchronized arrays of multiple units optimized for the application and your subsea platform.